  1. Do I have to be a member to shop at pusathemat.com?
    You can shop without become a member, simply enter your email address and follow the easy steps ahead. But, for your pleasantness in your next shopping experience, we suggest you to become a member first.
  2. What are the advantages of a member in pusathemat.com?
    ·Best services that guarantee your easiness in every transactions
    ·Complete information and recommendation to interesting products
    ·Many periodic promos to increase your satisfaction in shopping online
  1. What is pusathemat.com?
    Pusathemat.com is presenting a complete, convenient, safe, and reliable shopping online concept for your easiness.
  2. Do shopping at pusathemat.com is safe?
    Yes. We believe that customer is our key to success, especially in terms of ordering, payment, and delivery. To find out of your status order, you can reach our call center pusathemat.com 0851-08-08-9000
  3. Are the products sold in pusathemat.com guaranteed authenticity?
    Yes. Pusathemat.com only provides new, authentic products with legal warranty from official distributor of the brands in Indonesia.
  1. How do I find the product I want?
    You can find the products you want using search feature by enter the name of product you want in a ‘Search’ box on the upper left homepage pusathemat.com. or you can find the product using “Category” menu navigation.
  2. How to shop at pusathemat.com?
    It is so easy, convenient, and safe to shop at pusathemat.com. Please click ‘How To Order’ page to know more about it.
  3. Is there any special price for shopping in a certain amount for member?
    Please kindly contact our Call Centre for further information in weekday and office hour
  4. Is there any minimum order at pusathemat.com?
    No. There are no minimum order to shop at Pusat Hemat.
  5. How do I know my ordering process is success?
    You will get confirmation email from us.
  1. How to pay at pusathemat.com?
    Pusathemat.com provides flexible and safe payment method which use Bank Transfer.
  1. Do the price listed including delivery cost?
    All listed price is not including delivery cost.
  2. How much is the shipping cost for my order?
    The amount of shipping cost is determined by delivery location and weight of the goods you ordered.
  3. Do weight of the goods affects shipping cost that I should pay?
    Yes. Weight of the goods affects shipping cost to your delivery location
  4. Is pusathemat.com using courier service delivery for delivering goods to customer?
    Yes. Pusathemat.com is cooperate with courier service delivery JNE.
  5. How to know my ordering status after payment is done?
    To know your ordering goods status, please visit JNE website and do the ‘Trace and Tracking”
  6. Can I use one day package service by adding a certain cost?
    Yes, you can. The cost is depend by the price policy of JNE.
  7. How long do it takes until my order arrives?
    Estimated time for product delivering in Jakarta area is 1-3 working day. Estimated time for bigger goods need particular process that takes 2-7 working day. Estimated time for other areas is determined by your delivery location.
  8. Do pusathemat.com ships product outside Indonesia?
    Pusathemat.com is serving goods shipping outside Indonesia as long as being in JNE coverage delivery area.
  1. Do my delivery package is being insured if using courier service?
    Your goods can be insured with an adding charges.
  2. If there are any damages, will I get refund by when claiming?
    Purchased items cannot be returned or exchange with cash, you may submit warranty claims on defective products.
  3. How to submit warranty claim on purchased items?
    Please contact pusathemat.com by email support@PusatHemat.com or contact our call center on working day and office hour.
  4. How long does the warranty process takes time?
    Warranty process takes at least 7 working days or it may take less than that.
  1. How if I have more question to ask about the product I ordered?
    Regarding to the instalation or any other question about the product that you already ordered, please kindly contact our official distributor call center listed on product warranty card.